
Stupid Me

Hello to all in the bloggosphere. The rains let up today, and the sun was actually shining for a few hours. I took advantage of it with a 50 mile ride. Mary joined me for the last 30 miles, and we froze our hands off together. The winter weather here is very unmotivating for training. The rain alone wouldn't be so bad, but the accompanying wind makes it miseralbe.

Friday night I got an interesting phone call. Some dude from AMR in Colorado Springs called and asked if I was still interested in a job. I said yes, and he said he'd send some info on their local protocols, and that there'd be a test, and a new employee academy in March. He asked if I had any questions, and being the retard that I am, I said I had no questions. I talked to some people I used as references, and they said they recieved calls asking about me. So I might have a new job.

I think the hiring process entails me studying the local protocols and taking a test, both written and practical. If I pass the test, they offer me a job, and then I have to go through the academy, which is a month long orientation. A girl who used to work with me got a job with AMR, and that was the procedure.


Brian said...

That's awesome man! Are you excited for Colorado Springs? This one is different than the one that you interviewed for, right?

Wonder how warm it is in the Springs in March, another possible location for our spring camp.


Lars said...

Score! So you have 2 prospects then?