
Lunatic Fringe

Hello blogland. I have to go into work tonight. I told a guy I'd come in early so he could drive home and see his family this weekend. So I'm stuck at work the next 90 hours or so (until monday afternoon.) Fun times. I went for a nice long ride again today. Its been really nice here lately, and I was able to get in 45 miles. I have the grossest story about the ride though. You know how there is a big blood stain on the highway after a car hits a deer? Well I rode through one of those today, but it wasn't from a deer. It was from a human. Some lady got smoked by a truck Tuesday. She died, and by the size of the blood stain, it was grusome.

Big Robb Lunak is in Blogland. Check out his blog in my "Other Blogs" section. There is a nice picture of Peter on there.


Brian said...
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Brian said...

That's disgusting. Do you know how it happened? Stories like that are fun.

Lars said...

That is nuts. Did you get those tunes?

Brooks Leedahl said...

There is a poorly lit crosswalk right over the crest of a hill, and the lady was walking across the street in the crosswalk, and the car did not see her.

Yes, Andy, I did get the tunes. Pretty sweet. Thank you.