
Painting with Petrochemicals or: Glorious Sports Weekend

Nothing too exciting happening around here lately. I've been working a ton, and my days off have been spent sitting. The weather has been crappy here, so most rides have been on the trainer. I loathe the trainer. I did manage to beat the storm and get outside for a few hours yesterday. Today I cleaned one of Mary's triathlon friend's bikes. Lately I've been degreasing the drivetrain using the "Euro" method of painting diesel fuel on the dirty bits. It only takes a few drops of diesel to clean the entire bike, instead of using like a half gallon of Simple Green. I know it's not very ecologically friendly, but it's not as bad as the Exxon Valdez, which happens to have happened 17 years ago a week from tomorrow.

Lots of great sports on this weekend. Unfortunately I have to work. Fortunately I sit on a couch staring at a TV 99% of the time at work.

Milan-San Remo is this Sunday. Boonen will manage to lug his massive carcass over the Cipressa and Poggio with the front group and easily win the sprint.

The Malaysian GP is this weekend. Look for Alonso to repeat his performance from Bahrain.

The Pacific Life Open from Indian Wells is also going on. Federer is playing very Federer-like and looks to 3-peat. Hingis is also playing quite well. Hingis-Sharapova showdown on Friday.

The World Baseball Classic is going on. Did anyone notice? I'm a big baseball fan, but this thing is terrible. Where are all the spectators?

I heard a rumor about a college basketball tournament or something happening this month. On NPR the other day I heard U.S. companies lost $4 billion in lost productivity from last years tourney. That's insane.


Lane said...

thats awesome. I heard the same thing, March = no work for me, because of the games. I enjoyed the WBC, its sad that the US lost, but they are in frickin spring training, and the players who are not MLB'ers on the other teams are more prepared because of that. In addition Roger Clemens should play baseball til he dies, because he is still somehow a great player.

Lars said...

Brooks, Could you recap last years F1 season I dont know what happened? I saw a marathon between Dementieva and Henin-Hardanne. Hingis Sharapova is huge.

Anonymous said...

The US totally pooped down their collective leg in the WBC.