Here are the color options:
Black, Blue, Red, White, Yellow, Pink, Lymon, Mint, Aegean Blue, Crystal Blue, Purple, Serious Pink, Lunar Orange, Iris, Melon, Crystal Pink, Carbon, Black/White zebra, Black/Yellow marble, Black/Gray marble, Black/Red marble, Black/White marble
Your guess is as good as mine as to what those colors actually look like.
Your guess is as good as mine as to what those colors actually look like.
This one is "Lunar Orange"
Vote early, vote often. I'll run whatever hideous color you guys choose. Every few races there will be another opprotunity to humiliate me, unless I get laughed at too much and my fragile psyche can't handle it any longer, or it gets lame and nobody votes.
Sampson is outraged with the plain black handlebar tape, and calls for its impeachment.
Good Luck to all the candidates. We will not be using Diebolds -just cast your vote in the comments section. In case of a tie, we'll let Florida and Ohio decide. I'll post pictures of the democratically elected handlebar tape in full race action.
2 Votes including my new fiance Kayla for SERIOUS Pink, because you are a SERIOUS dude!!
One side pink, one side orange. Your from CA, and can claim that's how it's done. Sponsors recognize you, racers can identify you, it's easy to remember what way your bars are supposed to be after a crash, and you'll have matching tape at home to rewrap. Word.
Red or orange.
I'm all about the blues... In the design field/corporate world, blue stands for integrity and trustworthiness. Is there such a thing a double wrapping it like a candy cane? If so, Aegean Blue and Crystal Blue together.
Integrity and trustworthiness describe me to a T :)
Brian, do you know how to do a harliquin wrap?
Keep the votes coming!
Orange. Andy
Serious pink. Becca
Lunar Orange, or melon. Something in the orange fam for sure. Fanta rocks.
Your shop/basement looks awesome by the way. Lars
andy, there is a rock tumbler in that picture if you look closely.
I hereby cast my vote for "iris", for I consider it to be the grandest mystery of them all, what with how no two non-identical-twin people have matching irises and all.
May we also vote on which supplement you could take? Perhaps we could vote on: a) testosterone b) amphetamines c) EPO d) cortisol
Our dog votes for green on one side and white on the other for your love of the fighting sioux, and she says hi sampson
You should use UND colors. Just to piss off crazy bison hicks.
Give me a call if you are going to be in Fargo.
White. So. Pro.
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