
Working for the Weekend

Hi again blogomers. Nothing too exciting going on here. Mary and I went for a road ride this morning, and Sampson and I went for a cyclocross ride this afternoon. Now, as surprising as it may sound, its raining. Tomorrow I go into work for a 48 hour shift, and then have the weekend off.

There is a rumor swirling around the blogsphere about a behemoth of a man terrorizing the upper midwest on a british racing green colored cross bike. It's reported he's making elderly men caress his leg hair. Physiologically similar to the mighty crocodile he tires quickly, and is not much of a theat to anyone not using a Hoveround. There is an unconfirmed picture of him on Dave Simmons' blog.


Brian said...

Nice picture.


Lars said...

I think I saw that hairy guy on the green bike. He blew past us on south Belmont.

Lane said...

Brother Dan sent me this link, and its funny its a song by Coldplay at http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5332748350027038538&q=nappies