
Bike Washing and Cleaning

Hi gang. This is the first of hopefully many tech segments that I'll post here on Leedahl's Life. This post will deal with how I wash a bike.

There are many advantages to washing your bike regularly. Regular cleaning keeps the bike running smoothly and keeps it looking pretty. Washing is also an excellent time to inspect parts for damage or wear. Remember that washing a bike is a dirty job and should not be done in your Sunday's best.

Supplies needed:
1. repair stand (optional)
2. 5 gallon bucket
3. large sponge
4. nylon bristled brush
5. chain scrubber (Park Cyclone)
6. degreaser
7. rags
8. dish soap
9. garden hose

Start by placing the bike in a repair stand. A stand is not necessary, but makes the job much easier. Get some good tunes to listen to. It will make the tedious job more enjoyable.

I start out by cleaning the drivetrain first, since its the grimiest. I like to paint diesel fuel onto the chain, chainrings, front derailleur, rear derailleur, and cassette cogs. Simple Green in a spray bottle also works well. I then scrub the chain with a chain scrubber filled with a 50-50 Simple Green-water mix. The chainrings and cassette are scrubbed with a stiff nylon bristled brush.

Next I rinse the drivetrain, and wet the entire bicycle. Using a bucket with warm, soapy water and a large sponge, scrub the entire bike, paying particular attention to small areas around the brakes and stays, and under the bottom bracket.

Scrub the wheels and tires with the soapy water, and rewash the drivetrain with the soapy water. Next, rinse the entire bike and dry with clean rags, making sure all bolt heads are free of water. Lastly, lube the chain, derailleur pivots, pulley wheels, and cables.

Go ride your bike, and remember to take care of the damn thing. Its expensive!


Brian said...

I only use one supply to wash my bikes:


Lars said...

That is superb blogging Brooks. I no longer need fear mud. BTW, your bike kicks ass. New watch?

Brooks Leedahl said...

Love IS all you need

Lane said...

Next could you post a blog on how to wash clothes?

Simmons said...

Lust is all you need. Bike Lust that is :)