
Weekends Fore and Aft, and a Bakke Sighting

Last weekend Mary and I were in Grand Forks for the Laneman's wedding. He was a bumbling, crying lump throughout the ceremony, but pulled it together for the reception. Go over to his blog and make fun of him. Scotty and Kayla made the arduous journey from Missoula. There were some concerns that Lane and Scott would run away and elope, but it turns out Scott just wanted to celebrate with friends and family. I had a lot of fun talking with everybody (Dan, I'm still waiting for our picture to surface on your blog,) and congratulations to Lane and Skye.

This weekend we're staying around Madison because there are two kick-ass local events going on. The Capitol Square Sprints brings elite international nordic skiers to race around the capitol. It's crazy and one of the contributing reasons why we moved to Madison. We don't have any snow here, so they've been making snow all week in a parking lot and trucking it to the square. I'll have some pics up here next week of all the action. Saturday is the 16th Annual Cronometro Bike Swap. I don't need any bike parts, but it's always fun to look.

As I was writing this post Dr. and Mrs. Dingle came over. They were on their way home from residency interviews in Milwaukee. They checked out the house and were harassed by Sampson. They had to be home this evening, so it was a short visit, but fun none the less.

Tomorrow I'll post some stuff about the "surge."


Brian said...

Thanks for visiting us, Andy and Becca! :(

dvjs said...

it will be up soon! within a day or so.

Lars said...

Sorry B&H we were driving through and Becca had to be back in Roch by 6:00 so we could only stay about 30 minutes. I vow to return and visit your new home, and pick up my heliums!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry too Brian and Heather. I will make you some new furniture to make up for it.

Simmons said...

What's the "surge"

Brooks Leedahl said...

my outrage over the surge has not passed, only my will to blog about it.

Scotty J said...

I love the "surge" just kidding I agree with you about th "surge" passionate hate. Especially when one of my bestfriends is going a 3rd time.

Simmons said...

Iraq("the surge"). I got it. I'm a little slow :)