
hump day

i had a day off from work today. i've had a bad head cold so i didn't really do anything today. i looked at some wierd-ass shit on the web, took a nap, watched baseball, and blew my nose 287 times. here are some links to the "interesting" stuff i found while occupying my time, and oddly, none of it's porn...

EPO!! thats crazy! if your dog wants to win the xc skiing gold medal in the 15k, or maybe try for a record accent of l'alpe d'huez he doesn't even need a Rx. if you search this site hard enough they also sell nandrolone so your hampster can effectively train for the world's strongest man. the EPO is tempting though.

i don't know what to say

this made me laugh

pizazz, we're gonna give it to ya

well that was my day. i try to keep my mind sharp by looking at this crap. tomorrow i need to get a good workout with LT intervals and dismounting/mounting technique thrown in. i haven't ridden since the race on sunday. my life is exciting.

1 comment:

Lars said...

holy shit, what was that pizzaz thing all about? I have seen those kids pictures they are great. Lars