
Bush's War

Mission accomplished eh?

5 years, 4000 dead American soldiers(3866 since that picture,) 3-5 trillion dollars, and 655,000 dead Iraqis, and still counting.

Watch Frontline's documentary on the run-up to war, and how it's being fought. It's truly an amazing film about a seriously f'ed up situation. Grab a beer and some popcorn, and watch it here.

Discuss in the comments. Do it.

1 comment:

G-reg said...

I watched that, some good reporting. There is a bias, but not nearly as partisan or "media-ey" as the mainstream and not insane like the blog-O-Sphere. What is scary is how the story shows how little Bush himself had to do with this mess. It would be nice if it was just one jackass messing everything up. But the reality is the system is way more corrupt and broken beyond what one dude could do.