
Just for Becca

Not really just for Becca, but she called me out on the string of recent weak posts, so I thought I should create a legitamate blog post. Lots of crazy stuff going on here at Casa de Leedahl. Spring is in full swing in Madison, and the cycling has taken a back seat to home improvement and yard clean-up.

On the home improvement front, we're slowly remodeling our kitchen. There is a fresh coat of turquoise paint on the walls, replacing the dingy off-white stuff, and new modern cabinet hardware replacing the 1960's era brass stuff. You read that right. I wrote turquoise. We are also upgrading all the electrical outlets to GFCI units. There is a magical journey planned next weekend to the land of cheap Scandinavian furnature for a real dining table and chairs. That means our sweet outdoor table and chairs, which now occupies that space, can fulfil its destiny and get pooped on by birds outside (which, incidently, we have some cardinals nesting in a tree in our yard--how cool is that.) No pics of the kitchen yet. It will get its own blog post when it's complete.

Outside there are some exciting goings on. In honor of earth month, I installed a composter, which will diminish our already paltry amount of trash. It's conveniently right next to Sampson's dooley hole--his mucky guck/mung producing turd pit.

I also constucted an organic vegetable garden. Hells yeah! 80 square feet of carrots, onions, peas, spinach and lettuce are already in the ground. Tomorrow there will be green beans and various squashes with tomato plants in a few weeks, when the weather is warmer.

Our neighbors got seriously a giant dump truck load of wood chips from the city. By the looks of the chips, they're old Christmas trees, but anyway, he got about 200 times the amount he needed, and offered whatever we wanted to us. So we took advantage and redid all the tree beds, and all along the house by the bushes. It looks pretty sweet.

Tonight was "An Evening of Good Taste." An event put on by the local culunary school where you eat all sorts of gormet goodness with an open bar. I'm tired, and I've got the meat sweats, so I'll end this post shortly. Heather and/or Brian will have a more detailed post of the evening.

Tomorrow is the big one. The 115th year of Liege-Bastogne-Liege. My money is on Cunego, but my heart is with Chris Horner. We'll see. Watch it sometime tomorrow on Versus. Bill Dance will be sitting out tomorrow's race on an imposed "health break" because of a too high hematocrit level.


D-Lo said...

Wow, Sampson poops out some large turds.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post with top notch pictures and riveting commentary. You have certainly redeemed yourself. I like things that are just for me.

I look forward to pictures of the newly renovated kitchen as well as a fresh salad a la Leedahl.

Lars said...

That garden rules. Can I use the turd hole next time I come over?

Simmons said...

A most excellent post Mr. Leedahl.

dvjs said...

i agree with the simmons, whomever simmons may be. even though lane finally posted last week, you still carry the leedahl family name in the world of online journals.

Brian said...

You should remove Lane from your Blogs of Shame list and put your blog in there instead. :)

Simmons said...

I agree :(

dvjs said...

almost a month.

Simmons said...

Brian, you should go over to Brooks' and make sure he didn't fall into that composter :) I'm starting to wonder if he's still alive.